

My first pair of personal loops


Trying to stay healthy

Good Citizen LA is a company that you may have seen on social media. They offer single or double loops for personal use. They are colourful, fun patterned, and comfortable. After thinking on it, it made sense for me to buy these. Three times a week I am in a studio, using the same loops that others are using. And lets face it, they aren’t getting cleaned. So, to help prevent the spread of germs, I invested in a pair.

I have no regrets

They are stylish and I’m the only hands and feet using them. There are times where I have suffered from sinus infections and gone to the studio. Granted I carried hand sanitizer with me but this is another way to eliminate spreading any germs. You may get odd looks from fellow pilates students, but rest assured, if they knew why you were carrying these bad boys, they wouldn’t even give you a double take.

A second pair?

My family blessed me with more pilates this past Christmas. My parents gave me double loops as a gift! I now own two sets of Good Citizen loops. I keep one pair in my car at all times. This way, I never forget them when I go to the studio. The other pair are kept at home for my personal reformer. I know that’s weird but this helps me keep my original loops in better condition. Plus it adds a bit of personality to my equipment.