Dealing with an Illness


Ornament Party 2018

The Plague of 2018

Okay, this photo was taken about 36 hours before any of us knew what we were in for. My friends and I gathered for an ornament party, all while a little one was downstairs getting sick. We all thought, “She’s a kid, we’re adults, we got this!” Boy were we wrong.

A few days later all but one of us in this photo were hit with the worst flu of our lives. For me, the most disappointing part was that I had an in person lesson with Lesley Logan two days after my symptoms started to show. Have you ever been so excited for something and then you have to miss it because you’re sick? Let me tell you, I was bummed out! I had been looking forward to that lesson for months and I had to cancel on her. I felt horrible cancelling within 24 hours but I didn’t want to risk getting her sick nor was I strong enough to actually move.

Missing movement

When I am sick I still crave movement. I feel out of sorts when I’m not doing pilates. This flu that hit me had me weaker than a majority of flu and colds. I was stuck on a bland diet for days, doing all that I could to remain hydrated, and sleeping A LOT. I canceled my regular lessons that week and didn’t feel up for a workout for almost seven days! *GASP*

I  knew that I needed to listen to what my body was telling me but in my head I was getting antsy. Anyone that has gone through a surgery, dealt with illness or injury may understand this. But in the moment it can be very difficult to refrain from exercising. So friends, if you’re ever in this situation, my best advice is to lay low. Don’t let your mind drive you too crazy. Give your body what it needs which is a little TLC.

When you are down for the count, how do you talk yourself into self-care? How do you resist moving and doing your regular routine?