The Pilates Unicorn
Chicago, IL
Jenna Zaffino is the Pilates Unicorn. She is a mentor to so many movers, has a Podcast titled “Pilates Unfiltered”, is an instructor on Pilates Anytime, amongst other things.
I had met her once before, at Momentum Fest, and took one of the classes she taught. That class brought me to tears because her words resonated with me. I knew it was about darn time I made the two hour trek to take a lesson. Honestly, I can’t believe it took me this long to go see her. So I went to Chicago for the weekend to visit friends but also to take a private lesson from her.
Fletcher Pilates
When the lesson began she asked what I wanted to focus on or learn. I informed her that I had not been to a studio which taught Fletcher Pilates and I wanted to know what it was all about. So she started from the beginning. We didn’t get very far because I tend to ask questions, we discussed the movement and my journey, and worked on my body connection. Let me tell you, after the workout, it felt as though we made it through a full series. My body was sore the next few days!
One thing I was blown away by was how sore my feet were. Now, I have feet connection issues. I suffer from plantar fasciitis and I think it could be partly due to this foot connection. The lesson began with grounding my feet through certain points. This was difficult to find balance in for me. And as we continued, I took note of moments where my right foot would turn inward. I was amazed at how these movements helped me see the imbalance. I know that I need to practice Fletcher a little bit more often.
Walking out of the studio…
I was on cloud nine! I had to make audio notes of things that I learned and knew I needed to practice. While doing this on the corner, I caught a wave from Jenna driving away. Busted! I can’t imagine how I looked standing on the corner, talking into my phone and making “bolts” on my body. HA! I am thankful that she understands my enthusiasm and perhaps I didn’t look like a goof to her. The houses around me? I probably looked like a crazy person.